Results for 'Simone da Giles'

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  1.  48
    O acompanhamento familiar antes e depois da morte da criança: uma proposta de intervenção para o psicólogo hospitalar.Simone Da Bolze & Luciana Castoldi - 2005 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 21:79-91.
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    Reformulating Decision-making Capacity.Simon Walker, Otis Williams, Giles Newton-Howes & Neil Pickering - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):92-94.
    In their article “Three Kinds of Decision-Making Capacity for Refusing Medical Interventions,” Navin et al. (2022) argue that we should recognize two forms of decision-making capacity (DMC) besides...
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    Epistemic problems with mental health legislation in the doctor–patient relationship.Giles Newton-Howes, Simon Walker & Neil John Pickering - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (11):727-732.
    Mental health legislation that requires patients to accept ‘care’ has come under increasing scrutiny, prompted primarily by a human rights ethic. Epistemic issues in mental health have received some attention, however, less attention has been paid to the possible epistemic problems of mental health legislation existing. In this manuscript, we examine the epistemic problems that arise from the presence of such legislation, both for patients without a prior experience of being detained under such legislation and for those with this experience. (...)
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  4. Do anonimato à fama: processos de celebrização no funk ostentação.Simone Luci Pereira & Maria Fernanda Andrade da Silva - 2019 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 25 (2):9-25.
    Este artigo aborda os processos de celebrização envolvidos na passagem de jovens comuns da periferia de São Paulo a ídolos locais e até nacionais, como intérpretes do funk ostentação. A via principal desta alçada: a postagem de seus videoclipes na plataforma Youtube. Veremos como os MC´s, autores e intérpretes deste estilo recentemente se tornaram atores sociais em suas comunidades, contribuindo para que as representações que carregam sejam símbolos ou mercadorias e atuem como instrumentos de materialização dos imaginários. Ao final, apontamos (...)
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    Attentional Differences as a Function of Rock Climbing Performance.Inmaculada Garrido-Palomino, Simon Fryer, Dave Giles, Javier J. González-Rosa & Vanesa España-Romero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    End-user feature labeling: Supervised and semi-supervised approaches based on locally-weighted logistic regression.Shubhomoy Das, Travis Moore, Weng-Keen Wong, Simone Stumpf, Ian Oberst, Kevin McIntosh & Margaret Burnett - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 204:56-74.
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    A experiência de viver a pós-graduação no Brasil e suas interseções com a sociedade do cansaço.Bruno Neves da Silva, Valéria Gomes Fernandes da Silva, Nilba Lima de Souza & Erika Simone Galvão Pinto - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31:343-352.
    Este estudo objetivou refletir sobre o contexto da pós-graduação à luz dos argumentos que compõem a obra sociedade do cansaço, de Byung-Chul Han. Nas duas categorias de análise desenvolvidas, que relacionaram as vivências e as reflexões dos autores no âmbito da pós-graduação com os pressupostos de Han, ponderou-se que diversos aspectos inerentes desse cenário contribuem para ocasionar prejuízos à saúde biopsicossocial daqueles que o constituem. São exemplos a violência neuronal, o excesso de positividade, e o status, que confluem para transformar (...)
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    Trabalho como unidade estruturante de educação matemática de alunos do campo.Simone Ferreira da Silva & João Pedro Antunes de Paulo - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:689-698.
    Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados de uma pesquisa desenvolvida por uma aluna de graduação durante a realização de seu estágio docência. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar a relação entre trabalho e ensino de matemática em uma escola do campo na região sudeste do estado do Pará, na região norte do Brasil. A metodologia utilizada foi de inspiração etnográfica e os dados foram registrados no caderno de campo da pesquisadora. Também constitui material de análise as produções dos alunos e as (...)
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    Capabilities of Bottom of the Pyramid Organizations.Rodrigo L. Morais-da-Silva & Farley Simon Nobre - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (8):2115-2155.
    Bottom of the Pyramid organizations are the ones that develop a set of capabilities that contribute to create short- and long-term sustainability values inside and outside the boundaries of BoP ecosystems. Capabilities have an important role in BoP organizations’ strategies that aim to solve BoP issues. Notwithstanding its developments, BoP research still lacks theoretical contributions for the analysis of organizations. We suggest special attention to the need of advancing knowledge on capabilities of BoP organizations because this field is scattered and (...)
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  10.  22
    Um olhar sobre o trabalho com textos a partir do pensar filosófico.Rejane Lúcia Garcia da Silva, Renata Teles Moreira, Simone Moreira de Oliveira & Simone Pereira da Costa - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 1.
    A proposição deste trabalho é relatar uma vivência de reflexão filosófica, em específico na perspectiva de um olhar sobre o trabalho com textos, em particular nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, na escola campo Centro de Ensino Fundamental 06 de Sobradinho-DF.
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    A Logical Description of Priority Separable Games.Ramit Das, R. Ramanujam & Sunil Simon - 2023 - In Natasha Alechina, Andreas Herzig & Fei Liang (eds.), Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 9th International Workshop, LORI 2023, Jinan, China, October 26–29, 2023, Proceedings. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 31-46.
    When we reason about strategic games, implicitly we need to reason about arbitrary strategy profiles and how players can improve from each profile. This structure is exponential in the number of players. Hence it is natural to look for subclasses of succinct games for which we can reason directly by interpreting formulas on the (succinct) game description rather than on the associated improvement structure. Priority separable games are one of such subclasses: payoffs are specified for pairwise interactions, and from these, (...)
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    The Feminine Condition and Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health in Brazil and France.Simone Santana da Silva, Cinira Magali Fortuna, Gilles Monceau, Marguerite Soulière & Anne Pilotti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionElements mark the reality of reading the female body in symbolic constructions and social symbols in the exercise of their reproductive health. The study aims to identify elements that characterize the female condition while analyzing the reproductive health of Brazilian and French women.Materials and MethodsA qualitative, multicenter, international study was conducted in Brazil and in France between 2016 and 2019. Data were produced through the use of semi-structured scripts. Focus group discussions and individual interviews were conducted with women who gave (...)
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  13.  25
    Risk-related standards of competence are a nonsense.Neil John Pickering, Giles Newton-Howes & Simon Walker - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):893-898.
    If a person is competent to consent to a treatment, is that person necessarily competent to refuse the very same treatment? Risk relativists answer no to this question. If the refusal of a treatment is risky, we may demand a higher level of decision-making capacity to choose this option. The position is known as asymmetry. Risk relativity rests on the possibility of setting variable levels of competence by reference to variable levels of risk. In an excellent 2016 article inJournal of (...)
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    The Evolution of E-learning Management Systems.Nuno Sotero Alves da Silva, Gonçalo Jorge Morais da Costa, Mary Prior & Simon Rogerson - 2011 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 1 (3):12-24.
    The development of educational technologies is enhancing a distinctive feature of learning environments: the learner’s personalized environment. However, the current literature in e-learning seems to neglect an important discussion: will individuals and organizations face an enhancement concerning ethical dilemmas due to this evolution? To promote this discussion, this paper builds on a consideration of e-learning definition and its ethical dilemmas, and human-centred learning concept and its dimensions, to examine the implications of integrating social and cultural contexts. By examining the evolution (...)
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    O Mal e a Conversão Em a Religião Nos Limites da Simples Razão de Kant.Dilson Brito da Rocha & Kátia Simone Villanova - 2018 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 34 (1).
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    encontro consigo mesmo? Percepções de brasileiros sobre sua cultura e mudanças.Simone Souza da Costa Silva, Marilice Garotti & Celina Maria Colino Magalhães - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 26:8.
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    Risk-relativity is still a nonsense.Neil John Pickering, Giles Newton-Howes & Simon Walker - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (12):1056-1057.
    In this short response to Gray’s article Capacity and Decision Making we double down on our argument that risk-relativity is a nonsense. Risk relativity is the claim that we should set a higher standard of competence for a person to make a risky choice than to make a safe choice. Gray’s response largely involves calling attention to the complexities, ramifications and multiple value implications of decision-making, but we do not deny any of this. Using the notion of quality of care (...)
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    Hieronymus Bosch: o pincel do imaginário medieval.Cristina Ennes da Silva, Carlos Eduardo Ströher & Cássia Simone Kremer - 2009 - Dialogos 13 (2).
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    (In)visibilidade da comunidade LGBTQIA+ na assistência social: proteção social a quem necessitar?Luciara Fontana, Marília do Amparo Alves Gomes & Simone Santos da Silva - 2020 - Odeere 5 (10):304-319.
    Esta análise objetiva entender se existe reconhecimento às conjugalidades/parentalidades LGBTQIA+ pelo conceito de família da Política Nacional de Assistência Social e se há subsídios satisfatórios para abonar proteção estatal as genealogias e/ou pessoas LGBTQIA+ por meio dos benefícios, serviços, planos, programas e projetos da Norma Operacional Básica de 2005. Com a análise documental da referida legislação, evidenciou-se que o conceito de família ainda não superou o modelo patriarcal, inserido no sistema capitalista de minimalismo das políticas públicas.
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  20. Das Ding: Lacan and Levinas.Simon Critchley - 1998 - Research in Phenomenology 28 (1):72-90.
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    Understanding the knowledge and practice of medicine: papers from the fourth Philosophy of Medicine Roundtable. [REVIEW]Jeremy R. Simon, Arantza Etxeberria & Antonio Casado da Rocha - 2013 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 34 (4):253-257.
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    A preliminary fMRI study of a novel self-paced written fluency task: observation of left-hemispheric activation, and increased frontal activation in late vs. early task phases.Laleh Golestanirad, Sunit Das, Tom A. Schweizer & Simon J. Graham - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Pedro da Fonseca: Humanism and Metaphysics.Simone Guidi & Mario Santiago Carvalho (eds.) - 2023 - Turnhout: Brepols.
    This volume is the first collection of essays in English devoted to Pedro da Fonseca SJ (1527-1599), his intellectual endeavour, and thought. The book brings together some of today's leading specialists in early modern scholasticism, Portuguese Aristotelianism, and the history of the Society of Jesus, in order to present a reliable portrait of Fonseca's institutional role, to reconstruct his thought on many important aspects of scholastic metaphysics, and to discuss the reception of his work in the early modern age. -/- (...)
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    História do existencialismo e da fenomenologia.Thomas Ransom Giles - 1975 - São Paulo: Editora Pedagógica e Universitária.
    v. 1. Kierkegaard. Nietzsche. Husserl. Heidegger.--v. 2. Scheler. Buber. Jaspers. Sartre.
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  25. História da Educação no Brasil: disciplina de formação e campo de pesquisa.Simone Formiga Albuquerque - forthcoming - História.
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    D. Das Persönlichkeitsrecht der juristischen Personen.Simon Werthwein - 2009 - In Das Persönlichkeitsrecht Im Privatrecht der Vr China: Eine Studie Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Juristischen Personen. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 103-156.
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    Das Persönlichkeitsrecht Im Privatrecht der Vr China: Eine Studie Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Juristischen Personen.Simon Werthwein - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
    The creation of a civil code in the Peoples Republic of China has been underway for quite some time. Debates have arisen within this process, one of which relates to the manner in which personality rights should be included in the codification. The issue of whether a general personality right for legal entities should be included in the civil code has proven especially controversial. This work on the personality right under private law in the People s Republic of China focuses (...)
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  28. Pedro da Fonseca on Substance, Subsistence, and Supposit.Simone Guidi - 2023 - In Simone Guidi & Mario Santiago Carvalho (eds.), Pedro da Fonseca: Humanism and Metaphysics. Turnhout: Brepols.
    Twenty years before Suárez’s Metaphysicae disputationes, Pedro da Fonseca offered one of the most impressive modern attempts to reorder Aristotle’s Metaphysics. In the present chapter, I will endeavour to show how insightful Fonseca’s effort truly was, by dealing with his ousiology. I will focus especially on the Jesuit’s account of three pivotal concepts in the scholastic theory of substance, i.e. Divine Substance, created substance and prime substance, or supposit. These notions are primarily metaphysical, but — according to a long-standing scholastic (...)
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  29.  18
    Transzendentale Argumente Bei Hegel Und Fichte: Das Problem Objektiver Geltung Und Seine Auflösung Im Nachkantischen Idealismus.Simon Schüz - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Wie ist es möglich, durch das Nachdenken über die notwendigen Bedingungen der Erfahrung und des Weltbezugs zu validen Aussagen über eine Welt zu gelangen, die unabhängig von erfahrenden Subjekten existiert? Die vorliegende Studie entwickelt dieses Problem der objektiven Geltung ausgehend von der zeitgenössischen Debatte um transzendentale Argumente. Sie gewinnt so einen systematischen Zugang zu zwei paradigmatischen Entwürfen des nachkantischen Idealismus: Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes und Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre 1804-II. Im Zuge einer detailgenauen, auf systematische Fragen fokussierten Rekonstruktion beider Werke zeigt der (...)
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  30. Das Alte Testament als deutsche Kolonie. Die Neuerfindung des Alten Testaments um 1800.Simon Wiesgickl - unknown
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    Das Cogito als Fundament des Wissens.Simon Dierig - 2022 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 25 (2):375-404.
    In this essay, I discuss three readings of Descartes’ Meditations. According to the first reading, “I exist” is for Descartes the foundation of our knowledge. This reading is dismissed on the grounds that, in his view, as long as God’s existence is not proven there is a good reason to doubt this proposition. Proponents of the second reading claim that there are two kinds of Cartesian knowledge: perfect and imperfect knowledge. The meditator has imperfect knowledge of “I exist” before God’s (...)
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  32. Das Wahre ist der bacchantische Taumel, an dem kein Glied nicht trunken ist: Bemerkungen zu einem Hegelschen Anfangs-Satz und Wahrspruch.E. Simons - 1996 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 103 (2):366-372.
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    Art History in the Age of Bellori: Scholarship and Cultural Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome.Giles Knox, Janis Bell & Thomas Willette - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (2):116.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.2 (2004) 116-120 [Access article in PDF] Art History in the Age of Bellori: Scholarship and Cultural Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome, edited by Janis Bell and Thomas Willette. Cambridge: Cambridge Universtiy Press, 2002, 396 pp. Giovan Pietro Bellori is a name familiar to all who have studied seventeenth-century Italian art. His magisterial book, The Lives of the Modern Painters, Sculptors, and Architects (Le vite (...)
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  34. „Das Dilemma der Theologie.Eberhard Simons - 1971 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 79 (2):335-360.
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    Introdução Ao Período Moral da Literatura de Simone de Beauvoir: Pirro, Cinéias e o Lugar Necessário de Cada Ação.Lucas Joaquim da Motta - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 15 (39):231-254.
    Trata-se de uma introdução interpretativa ao primeiro livro filosófico publicado por Simone de Beauvoir, Pirro e Cinéias (1944), que inaugura, segundo ela, após a eclosão da Segunda Guerra Mundial, o período moral de sua carreira literária e seu interesse particular em atribuir um conteúdo material à moral existencialista – junto de um livro publicado posteriormente, Por uma moral da ambiguidade (1947). Destaca-se, portanto, que Beauvoir é a autora que vai superar as oposições que separavam a natureza da cultura, o (...)
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  36. Das Neue in der Geschichte.Josef Simon - 1972 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 79 (2):269-287.
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    Teoria do apego: elementos para uma concepção sistêmica da vinculação humana.Fernando Augusto Ramos Pontes, Simone Souza da Costa Silva, Marilice Garotti & Celina Maria Colino Magalhães - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 26:67-79.
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    La religione come fenomeno: ricerche e studi a partire da Michel Henry.Giuseppina De Simone & Roberto Formisano (eds.) - 2022 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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    Das Problem der Sprache bei Hegel.Josef Simon - 1966 - Mainz,: Kohlhammer.
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  40. Bottom Up Ethics - Neuroenhancement in Education and Employment.Imre Bard, George Gaskell, Agnes Allansdottir, Rui Vieira da Cunha, Peter Eduard, Juergen Hampel, Elisabeth Hildt, Christian Hofmaier, Nicole Kronberger, Sheena Laursen, Anna Meijknecht, Salvör Nordal, Alexandre Quintanilha, Gema Revuelta, Núria Saladié, Judit Sándor, Júlio Borlido Santos, Simone Seyringer, Ilina Singh, Han Somsen, Winnie Toonders, Helge Torgersen, Vincent Torre, Márton Varju & Hub Zwart - 2018 - Neuroethics 11 (3):309-322.
    Neuroenhancement involves the use of neurotechnologies to improve cognitive, affective or behavioural functioning, where these are not judged to be clinically impaired. Questions about enhancement have become one of the key topics of neuroethics over the past decade. The current study draws on in-depth public engagement activities in ten European countries giving a bottom-up perspective on the ethics and desirability of enhancement. This informed the design of an online contrastive vignette experiment that was administered to representative samples of 1000 respondents (...)
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  41. Individuals in the Social Lifeworld: A Social Philosophy of Heidegger’s Dasein.Douglas Giles - 2021 - R. R. Bowker.
    Individuals in the Social Lifeworld is an analysis of Dasein’s Being-in-the-world by asking how an individual Dasein (a person) interacts with their fellow Dasein (other people). Acknowledging that mineness is fundamental to Dasein, the book’s analysis uncovers Being-sphere as the existential place of Dasein that is formed through a person’s interactions with and involvements with the world. Being-sphere does not express any form of idealism but is an acknowledgment of what Being-in-the-world means for perception and individual responses to the world. (...)
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    Uma Análise da Pandemia de Coronavírus Sob o Enfoque da Banalização Do Mal de Hannah Arendt.Simone Alvarez Lima - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 6 (2):22.
    A pandemia de coronavírus trouxe questões jurídicas e filosóficas, dentre elas, a banalização do mal. A naturalização das mortes, a possibilidade do médico escolher quem irá para um leito com respirador após a análise de um protocolo e a postura negacionista do Presidente da República mostram que os requisitos da banalização do mal, conceito criado por Hannah Arendt, estão presentes. A ética da solidariedade precisa ser relembrada, especialmente quando a sociedade contribui no aumento do contágio quando se aglomera ou pleiteia (...)
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  43. Kaplan, Simon, Das Geschichtsproblem in der Philosophie Hermann Cohens.Walter Kinkel - 1932 - Kant Studien 37:179.
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    O encontro com o mal. O jovem Nietzsche diante da doença.Simone Zacchini - 2019 - Cadernos Nietzsche 40 (3):171-186.
    Resumo Este artigo examina um período muito breve da juventude de Nietsche, de seu nascimento a 1862. Durante estes anos Nietzsche descobre progressivamente que o mundo encantado ao interno do qual ele nascera, protegido e seguro, não é imune ao mal e às doenças. Neste estudo examina-se todas as doenças que Nietzsche viu entrar em casa, através do pai, dos parentes e dos amigos. Antes mesmo que sua biografia registrasse patologias que ele carregará consigo até o fim, Nietzsche encontrará as (...)
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    Appellate Court Modifications Extraction for Portuguese.William Paulo Ducca Fernandes, Luiz José Schirmer Silva, Isabella Zalcberg Frajhof, Guilherme da Franca Couto Fernandes de Almeida, Carlos Nelson Konder, Rafael Barbosa Nasser, Gustavo Robichez de Carvalho, Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa & Hélio Côrtes Vieira Lopes - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 28 (3):327-360.
    Appellate Court Modifications Extraction consists of, given an Appellate Court decision, identifying the proposed modifications by the upper Court of the lower Court judge’s decision. In this work, we propose a system to extract Appellate Court Modifications for Portuguese. Information extraction for legal texts has been previously addressed using different techniques and for several languages. Our proposal differs from previous work in two ways: our corpus is composed of Brazilian Appellate Court decisions, in which we look for a set of (...)
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  46. Das Problem der jüdischen Identität in der jüdischen Philosophie des Mittelalters Le problème de l'identité juive dans la philosophie juive du Moyen Age.H. Simon - 1988 - Kairos (misc) 30:53-63.
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  47. Das Problem des Bewusstseins bei Nietzsche und der traditionelle Bewusstseinsbegriff.Josef Simon - 1984 - In Mihailo Đuric & Josef Simon (eds.), Zur Aktualität Nietzsches. Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
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    Das Problem der Bedeutung bei Kant und Peirce.Josef Simon - 1991 - Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress 1:233-256.
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  49. Interpretation und das Prinzip der Nachsicht.Simon Dierig - 2017 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 42:108-119.
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    C. Das Persönlichkeitsrecht der natürlichen Personen.Simon Werthwein - 2009 - In Das Persönlichkeitsrecht Im Privatrecht der Vr China: Eine Studie Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Juristischen Personen. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 61-102.
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